Are we losing the Battle against Diseases? Part 1

Have you noticed that diseases are in the rise in the last one hundred years as statistics show?

a. Over 7 million Australians have at least 1 chronic disease.
b. Chronic disease is the leading cause of death in Australia.
c. Half of all Australians aged 45-64 have 1 or more chronic diseases.
d. Half of all Australians have 2-3 risk factors for chronic disease.

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Posted in: Todays Health Issues

Are we losing the Battle against Diseases? Part 2

Now why do we do that?

The problem now could be for many people an extremely complex and grey one, but in reality it is not. Why? Does that mean I am very optimistic?

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Posted in: Todays Health Issues

Live longer, Live better and Resist illness – Achieve This Aim through Parramatta Naturopath Clinic

With diverse health care system, there are wide varieties of doctors and medical specialist found practicing everything from your hair to heel, and for the same you will find a lot of specialised clinic to treat your any health problem.
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Posted in: naturopath

Role of Diet in Naturopathic Treatment

Thousands of year back, when human race was not aware of any kind of medicine, they depended on the innate healing power of body. Then they started to use natural resources to cure ailments. This was the initiation of naturopathic treatment. After this, every civilization of ancient time has used this natural way of treatment and over the time, naturopathy emerged as one of the most reliable form of treatment devoid of any harmful side effect. Continue reading “Role of Diet in Naturopathic Treatment”

Posted in: naturopath

Why Naturopathy is The Best Alternative Treatment Method?

Naturopathy is the ancient form of medicine practiced from ages for natural cure. Though the dictionary meaning suggests it is an alternative treatment, it is the most pure and primary treatment method. When chemicals were not formed, medical treatment used to depend on natural methods. Naturopathy is not only about medicine but also some treatment methods. Acupuncture and acupressure comes under its roof and homeopathy and herbalism are predominant.
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Posted in: naturopath

The relation between naturopathy and nutrition and best way to good health

Nutrition is the primary factor for good health. The lack of it can cause major damage to the growth process of the children and can even cause death if not taken care in the right manner. There have been many talks about nutrition and naturopathy deals with it the best. We, at naturopath Liverpool give as much emphasis on nutrition as any other form of treatment. We make sure that our patients know what is meant by it and how to take good care without hampering the regular routine.

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Posted in: naturopath

Methods of Treatment in Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a distinct system of medicine where emphasis is on “the healing power nature”. In naturopath treatment, the primary aim is to keep people healthy by eliminating the cause of disease from its root with natural remedies and with modifications in lifestyle. At Parramatta, you can avail some of the best naturopathic clinics that serve you with world-class naturopath experts and effective treatment methods.
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Posted in: naturopath

Which one is better for your Health Blending or Juicing?

We all know how healthy eating raw, fresh, organic vegetables and low glycaemic fruits can be. In fact, eating them is essential for anyone who wants to become and stay healthy − no matter what your situation.

Find out which one is better for your Health Blending or Juicing?
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Posted in: Todays Health Issues

Fibre the missing link in 21st Century

Did you know that today on average most Australians consume 20 grams of fibre daily, while our Ancestors in the past had consumed 100 grams or more of fibre daily?

Why is this important?

Many Illnesses that can arise from a low-fibre diet include:

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Posted in: Todays Health Issues